© Cndc-Angers
During a four-week workshop, dancers Cyril Baldy and Katja Cheraneva introduced 1st-year students at the Cndc school to William Forsythe’s choreographic vocabulary. Based on the Improvisation technologies - a series of teaching tools designed by the choreographer and dancers of Ballet Frankfurt and published as a CD-Rom in 1999 - they composed this Study to put the method into practice and share its principles with the audience.
Free admission
Le Quai + Tour Saint-Aubin
THV de Saint-Barthélémy-d’Anjou
Studio de création
Serre, Forum du Quai
Scène de répétition
Cinéma Les 400 Coups
Entre la Salle Claude Chabrol, le Grand Théâtre d'Angers et les studios du Cndc
Forum du Quai
Programmation en extérieur